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Health and Safety Policy

General Statement of Policy

Our Health & Safety Policy recognises the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation.

Our General Statement of Policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
  • To consult with our employees and volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety
  • To provide and maintain safe equipment and systems
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and give them adequate training
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions

Management organisation and promotion of policy

This policy is written under the requirements of Health & Safety at Work legislation. The purpose of the policy is to establish general standards for health and safety at work and to distribute responsibility for their achievement to all managers and other employees through the normal line management processes.

All employees, volunteers and learners are made aware of the health and safety policy via the following:

  • Induction and enrolment
  • Training
  • Policy statement is displayed in our locations
  • Is an Agenda item at senior management meetings

Management responsibilities


The Director responsible for operations is Davide Wheller and he has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Company’s policy. He is specifically responsible for ensuring that the policy is widely communicated and that its effectiveness is monitored.

Health & Safety Officer

The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for:

  • Production and maintenance of the Company’s policy and ensuring that guidelines are consistent
  • Monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the policy
  • The provision of general advice about the implication of the law
  • The identification of health and safety training needs
  • The formal link with the Health and Safety Executive, Environment Health Departments and other external agencies
  • the production and maintenance of any health and safety documents or codes of practice as necessary for any relevant area of the Company services where this is required
  • Risk assessments of learner workplaces and management of key risks associated with learners


All employees, volunteers and learners will receive an induction in which our Health and Safety Policy is explained, and where to access the information. Any changes to the policy will be communicated by the most appropriate means, whether through hard copy information sheets or e-mail. All employees, volunteers and learners are asked to sign to confirm they understand the policy and procedure and adherence to it.

Information, Instruction and Training

Training and on-going advice and instruction are delivered through induction programmes, as well as other short courses where required.
The Directors will also ensure that all employees are aware of the company’s Health and Safety Policy and procedures.

Where elements of risk are involved in a task (for example, working with VDU’s) each manager will be responsible for training and then supervising new employees until they are satisfied they can perform the task safely.


Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is the duty of every member of staff whilst at work to:
• Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and any other people who might be affected by their acts or omissions.
• Co-operate with their employers and others on Health and Safety matters, to enable them to comply with statutory duties and requirements
• Not intentionally or recklessly misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (As amended) further require staff members to:
• Use any equipment provided in a safe manner
• Follow Health and Safety instructions
• Report anything they consider to be a danger, to the Health and Safety Manager
• Report any shortfalls in the protection arrangements for Health and Safety to the Health and Safety Manager.

The D Foundation recognises that its staff will often provide the first warning of any hazards in the workplace. We therefore encourage staff to report any issues regarding either specific hazards or general concerns relating to their Health and Safety, or the Health and Safety of others. We will investigate all reported hazards and ensure that any necessary changes are implemented as required.

We expect all employees to keep their work areas clean, tidy and always maintain a safe work environment. All employees, volunteers and learners should be aware that clutter, drawers left open, trailing wires, uneven floors, spillages, improperly stacked boxes and blocked or narrowed fire exits can pose very serious safety hazards. It should be recognised by all staff members that failure to abide by Health and Safety requirements can result in serious injury to themselves or others on the premises and could be regarded as a disciplinary offence and sometimes lead to prosecution. In particular:
• Interference with or the misuse of equipment supplied by the company in the interests of Health and Safety, or welfare may be treated as an instance of misconduct, which could lead to dismissal.

It is our duty of care to ensure that every member of staff and learners are responsible, in part, for their own Health and Safety, and for the Health and Safety of others in the workplace.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments will be completed where necessary in locations where training is to be delivered on external premises. Where initial risk assessments indicate that a risk is present, a supplementary assessment may be conducted to ensure that the most effective remedial action is taken.

Wherever possible, employees in the area being assessed will be involved. This will be most significant with, for example, display screen equipment assessments, where the comfort and safety of the staff member(s) concerned is the main objective of the assessment.

Once a risk is identified, advice on the remedial action, which needs to be taken will be given. A report detailing all the major issues identified from the assessment, with timescales for implementing remedial actions will be produced by the Health and Safety Manager within 5 working days. The risk assessments will be reviewed periodically or after any incidents or significant changes in equipment, processes, or procedures. Employees will be responsible for applying any recommendations made to comply with Health and Safety Legislation.

Accident Reporting

Under the requirements of RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013), all reportable accidents and incidents should in the first instance be reported immediately to the relevant Manager. They will then inform the Health and Safety Manager within 24 hours, who will be responsible for reporting these to the local Authority or the Health and Safety Executive as appropriate.

All accidents, whether reportable or not, must be recorded in the accident book. Every Accident Book contains a list of incidents which must be reported under RIDDOR. Managers should be aware of the types of incidents on this list and of the need to report such occurrences as a matter of urgency. Incidents such as near misses will be reported to the Health and Safety Manager. An incident reporting form should be completed and forwarded to the Health and Safety Manager also within 5 working days.

The Health and Safety Manager will be responsible for the initial investigation of accidents and for making recommendations for any actions to be taken to remove or control any risks which are discovered.

Systems of Work

The primary objective of The D Foundation is to train and assist learners and volunteers to develop their skills through training and work-based learning with ASBO Magazine. We operate in a relatively low risk working environment. however, we aim to minimise risk to its staff in all circumstances under its control and will endeavour to provide safe systems of work where it is deemed necessary.

Personal Protective Equipment

The nature of our business operations does not generally require the use of personal protective clothing or equipment although this will be used as appropriate.

Manual Handling

Members of staff will be trained in performing manual handling operations safely and will be supervised until they can perform such tasks independently. We recognise that some members of staff will have to perform occasional manual handling tasks as part of everyday activity. All staff will therefore be given basic manual handling training as a part of their induction programme.

COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

There are a small number of potentially hazardous substances that employees or volunteers may come into contact with. It is important that they are all aware of these substances, and of the risks involved if they are misused. Issues relating to COSHH must be brought to the attention of all new staff.
The items listed below are deemed by their manufacturers to warrant a warning. It should be noted that the list of substances may change from time to time and employees and volunteers will be kept informed of any changes.

Hazardous Substances

  1. Solvent Based Correction Fluid
  2. Correction Fluid Thinner
  3. Permanent Marker Pens
  4. Glues
  5. Toner (Photocopier and Printer)
  6. Office Cleaning Materials
  7. Foam Cleaning Sprays

Wherever possible, use of these will be avoided (for example, purchase of solvent-free correction fluid).
If any member of staff comes into contact with any hazardous substance, whether by inhalation, ingestion, in the eyes or by absorption through the skin, they must immediately seek the assistance of their first aider or appointed person. Such incidents should be reported to the Health and Safety Manager within 24 hours. If the individual affected requires hospital treatment or loses consciousness because of contact with a toxic substance, the Director must immediately notify the Health and Safety Manager with the full details of the incident, as it will be reportable under RIDDOR.

Emergency Procedures


Fire Risk Assessments will form part of the Health and Safety check completed at any location where training is to be delivered to ensure appropriate methods of escape are clearly marked and known, and all fire equipment and notices are available and in working condition.

First Aid

For first aid purposes, The D Foundation is deemed a low-risk work environment due to the nature of our operations.
First Aid Arrangements are notified to all employees and volunteers at induction.

Policy Review

If at any time any Health and Safety issue should arise which exposes a weakness in our Health and Safety Policy, the policy will be reviewed. The Health and Safety Manager will be responsible for the revision of this document. Where significant changes occur, which may affect the level of risk in any area of the working environment, risk assessments will be conducted as required by Health & Safety Law. Should these risk assessments expose any weakness in the Health and Safety Policy or the specific arrangements for maintaining appropriate standards of Health and Safety, these will be reviewed and revised if necessary. Similarly, if any weakness in policy, arrangements or chain of responsibility should be exposed at any point, we will undertake to review the appropriate area and to make such amendments as are required.
This document will be reviewed annually or whenever there is a change in statutory law or best practice.